Prayer Journals

Do you communicate with God and write letters to Him? Although we may not receive letters from God in the mail, we can keep track of our conversations. 

A prayer journal is a place where we can keep track of our conversations with God and all of the blessings we receive from Him. 

Write God a letter. Simply writing down your prayers is a good way to begin a prayer journal. Write it as a letter to God instead of just recording your day or thoughts as you would in a personal journal. 

Begin by addressing God by His name, and then pour out your heart to Him. Discuss your day's challenges, your questions, your fears, and your needs. You have the freedom to write to God and share your heart with Him. 

You can see how your prayers change and grow over time by keeping a prayer journal, and you can even look back and see how God has answered your prayers. 

Make sure your entries are dated. Examining your journal entries over time to see how God has been at work in your life and how your prayers have changed can be very enlightening. 

Keeping track of prayer requests is a good idea. Keep a journal of God's words to you. It's possible that God will put words on your heart. Perhaps a Bible verse leapt off the page at you, revealing something God wants you to know. 

Make a prayer of gratitude. Make a list of prayers for others. Begin by posing a question. Consider your day. 

If prayers are our conversations with God, journaling prayer is like writing love letters to Him. Also, please remember to pray for me and my family.

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